



Did you want to meet investors during TechBBQ, and were you wondering which were the most relevant for you to meet? At TechBBQ, we used the latest AI matching tool to save you time and ensure you only had meetings with the most relevant investors for your startup! Attendees got their ticket, uploaded their investment deck, and received a list of investors whose investment thesis specifically matched their business – and booked them directly on our Event Platform!

Attendees got their ticket and found the RIGHT investor!

This platform was available to all startup ticket holders for TechBBQ 2024.

Tech Talent

by TechBBQ

Startups – Find your next superstar employee at TechBBQ 2024!

Talents – Make your impression at speed matching with startups at TechBBQ!

North Star Pitch

At TechBBQ 2024, 10 European startups will presented their pitches on stage and competed for the title.

The winner of North Star Pitch automatically got into the finale of the Startup World Cup, where they can compete for $1,000,000 in investment.

Life Science

Startup Exhibition by TechBBQ

Life Science

Pitch Competition TechBBQ X NovoNordisk


Startup Exhibition by TechBBQ

At TechBBQ, we foster innovation, collaboration and growth in the Danish UrbanTech startup ecosystem, accelerating the development of smart, green and thriving cities.


Pitch Competition by TechBBQ

UrbanTech Pitch Competition, funded by the Realdania and made in collaboration with We Build Denmark, ConTech Lab, PropTech Denmark, Bloxhub and powered by Venture Cup Denmark.

Startup Showcase

by TechBBQ

Startup Showcase is open exclusively for Nordic and Baltic early stage startups.

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