The Tech Arena 2024 took place in Stockholm, Sweden, on February 22 & 23. The event was hosted at the country's national football stadium, "Friends Arena," in the district of Solna, with an attendance of 7.500 guests worldwide. Among the special speaker invites was Apple Co-founder and Philanthropist Steve Wozniak.
February 26, 2024 / 10 min. read
Tech Arena 2024: A Conversation with Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-founder & Philanthropist
The Tech Arena 2024 took place in Stockholm, Sweden, on February 22 & 23.
The international event was hosted at the country's national football stadium, "Friends Arena," in the district of Solna, with an attendance of 7.500 guests worldwide. Among the special speaker invitations were Apple Co-founder and Philanthropist Steve Wozniak.
Former US Vice-President and Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore and NASA Astronaut Jessica Meir also gave speeches throughout the two days. All on the same "Arena Stage".
Linda Nyberg, Chief Communication Officer at Novatron Fusion Group, moderated all three conversations.
Full transcribed interview:
Linda Nyberg:
We all know his name, Berkeley Blue, Rocky Raccoon Clark, electrical engineer, computer programmer, philanthropist, and the co-founder of Apple. Please give Steve Wozniak a warm welcome.
Steve Wozniak:
Nice to be here, Linda. I'm actually amazed at how huge this is.
Linda Nyberg:
We are as well. So many people here are all here for you at the Tech Arena. You told me backstage that you have many nicknames.
Steve Wozniak:
It's like there are standard rules of society, but breaking the rules and finding little alternate paths is a part of creative thinking, and it's shunned from the moment you get to school and your parents shun it.
The behavior has to be perfect, but heck no. Making up interesting names, heck, even for companies. But yeah, one time, I was always getting the highest score in the Nintendo Power Magazine, the magazine of Nintendo for the United States.
I always got the highest score in Game Boy Tetris. Every month, I got a high score. Finally, they said they aren't gonna print my name anymore. They want newcomers to get on the list. Darn it, so I spelled my name backward.
Steve became "Evets", Wozniak became "Kainzow". "Evitz Kainzow".
So, I got a new name, but I didn't want to use the same city. I thought: "They might get suspicious". So, I used the next city over. Instead of Los Gatos, California, I used Saratoga, California.
Linda Nyberg:
So, you could be on top of the list again?
Steve Wozniak:
Yeah, and that was back in the days when you had to take a picture, go to the photo store, get a photograph, and mail it in a real envelope.
A long time ago.
So I sent it, and I forgot that I'd done it. The next time I saw a Nintendo Power magazine in our office, about a month later, I picked it up, turned it into the scores to see how high they were.
I said: "Oh my God, there's somebody up there approaching my score. Somebody's really high. Evitz Kainzow, he's a foreigner".
Then I saw that he was in Saratoga, and lives near me. And I got all chilled. I still have copies of that magazine.
Linda Nyberg:
I didn't find that name, but all the other names. Do you still play Nintendo today? I know you are teaching kids in school. But tell us.
Steve Wozniak:
I was really into games back then. The company Apple came from my interest in games.
We started getting up to these first-person shooter games and all that, real high-speed ones. Arcade games. I remember the Super Mario Brothers. I was so much better than my little kid when he was 8-years-old. But at 9-years-old, he was much better than I was —his hands and eye coordination.
I said I don’t want to play those games. The kids will always be better than me. Now I play games in between work when I need a break. Simple games, card games.
Linda Nyberg:
You have no thoughts of retirement, apparently. You teach kids in school. You have your foundation. But what does a normal day look like for you?
Steve Wozniak:
Largely, I’m on the computer - or flying. I never wanted to start a company in a certain industry.
I wanted my engineering to be seen by the world. I wanted other engineers to appreciate it to get the highest engineering awards. I was brought up in the Vietnam war under anti-political, didn’t want fights or conflicts, and was shy. All of a sudden, we had all this wealth, and I basically gave it away to a lot of early-starting people in the company.
There is a movie out ("Jobs", 2013) and it shows Steve Jobs refusing to give stocks to Daniel Kottke.
Well, Daniel Kottke was one of the five people to whom I gave tens of millions of dollars worth of stocks. Because why do people call the three of us founders? With infinite income for life.
These other people were there from the start. What is a founder?
I also gave tens of millions of dollars worth of stocks to many others in the company. They are all working for Apple. That was pre-IPO, so they all wrote me letters saying: “I got a house out of the deal.”
But why only the three of us? I don’t want the disparity of wealth or income. I did my fair share, I would say.
I also started a lot of museums in San José, California. The city I was born in. I gave so many things away that they named a road after me. "Woz Way". Who gets away with that? I’m so proud. That’s not something you can just go out and buy.
Now, I pretty much support my family by doing public speaking like this. 100 speaking slots. Mostly foreign. Stockholm is a part of the world that I love, though. For various reasons.
Linda Nyberg:
You are "the tech guy" in the eyes of the world. So, what did the others do when you did all of the engineering?
Steve Wozniak:
Creating a computer that was so far different and advanced than anything else was my idea. Steve Jobs wasn’t around and didn’t know about it.
I was this great engineer and had wanted a computer all my life. I saw the way to do it. Built it. I took it down to a club of people that had interest. We are going to have our own company someday. No other company would listen to us. It was kind of like we were rebels. I liked that feeling. My computer was five years ahead of the others. I take it down to the club and show it off.
But I passed on all of my designs for free. It was the few Stanford and Berkeley professors talking about how the world would change society once we had all our own computers. I had told my dad back in high school that I was going to one day buy a 4K computer. My dad said it cost as much as a house. I said, “I’ll live in an apartment”. Don’t believe what you see in movies. I have been there since day one. Steve Jobs wasn’t.
That inspired me so much. I was also a gamer - and loved it. Computer games were changing within the arcade industry. It was started by Atari Corporation in Los Gatos, California, where I live now. Netflix is based there.
I actually designed “Breakout” for Atari as the designer. That was a big game at the time. I worked for Hewlett-Packard at the time. I did Moonlighting. Atari wanted to hire me, but I wouldn’t let them do it.
I was on the factory floor. 100-200 chips. 1000 wires. The signals on the wires are correct. To go on television. I asked, “Wouldn’t it be neat if it was color?”
At that time, it was only black and white. I was a television engineer as well. Getting the signals just right would take a lot of trial and error. A lot of expensive parts. Maybe five thousand dollars. Somehow, in my head, I was sleepy; I went four days and nights… with no sleep… designing breakout for Atari.
I just thought, what if I took a number out of a computer? 1’s and 0’s, and put it on a wire. Plus and minus. Normally, mathematics is a nice smooth way to sign signals on a wire. What if you just put the 1's and 0's out of a computer number right on the wire of the TV?
I knew that every TV would think it was color! Even though it wasn’t legally colored. That idea gave colors for zero dollars. No wonder Apple’s logo was in six colors.
Steve Wozniak:
The Apple II computer, all mine, the hardware, the software, the thinking it out, the wiring it up, making the prototypes, doing everything.
That computer was the first time ever that arcade games were in color.
You need a good game machine to go into homes. People didn't buy computers in the home to do inventory levels and sales figures and all that. The way they were used in the big businesses, no, they had to have games, and this was so far ahead in games that nobody else was going to think of how to do color like I had.
But it was also the first time, even more importantly, the first time ever that arcade games, the games you play today, the first time they were software, not hardware, not 100 chips and 1000 wires to get all the signals right with a skilled engineer for a man-year to design a game.
A nine-year-old kid in a simplified language called “basic” that I wrote myself could make color dots move on a screen and write his program a game in one day.
A decent game for those stages. This was a revolution in gaming, and that's how Apple started. Now that product was so far ahead. I said five years ahead of the rest of the world because five years before that, actually, when I met Steve Jobs, I was building a computer of my own design with the old front panel and switches for ones and zeros and lights for ones and zeros.
I built that computer, and that’s what everyone else was now trying to do in 1975, but I had this whole amazing world, a keyboard, and a video display. This was a huge change in the world, and I knew it.
So based on that, Steve Jobs came to town, and I took him to a club. Don't believe that movie with Ashton Kutcher. I got him to show interest. I was a hero at the club.
I gathered all of these people around me when I did my little demos with this color machine and that's when Steve said:
“We should start a company.”
I said: “I'm loyal to Hewlett Packard, where I work. They pay my salary. I will never leave Hewlett-Packard. I'll be an engineer for life, never move up the organization chart because I don't want to get political. I like designing hardware and software”.
Steve said: “Fine”.
I proposed to Hewlett Packard back in those days when they were making handheld scientific calculators. That's what I was designing. Even though I didn’t have a college degree, I was a top design engineer designing the hottest products in the world.
I proposed the personal computer. Oh my gosh, they met all the managers, the engineering and the marketing managers, and listened to me, how much it would cost, how it would work, how it would connect to your home TV.
They turned me down for the first of five times. They turned down the personal computer five times. The big computer industry didn't see these tiny little computers worth anything.
They couldn't do the big jobs. So Steve and I were in business. We formulated Apple, and the Apple II was such a huge product that we could probably build and sell a thousand computers.
Nobody could imagine several, like a thousand, computers aside from IBM. So, Steve Jobs and I asked ourselves: “Why are we doing this company?”
Well, the reason is that we want to make disabled people similar to normal people. We want to make a blind person similar to a sighted person. Look how we succeeded with that. Today, everywhere you go in your car, look on the sidewalk, and you see everybody walking around bumping into things (because of the technology that was introduced back then).
So anyway, Steve Jobs wanted two things in business. He wanted to be important in the world. He talked about all these people, like Shakespeare and Isaac Newton, who were famous worldwide. That meant he wanted to be one of them.
I was just very shy. I just wanted to be respected by engineers. So, Steve Jobs went out on the company’s business side and sought money. I was the engineer, and I had that done well. So far, you know, a hit on that my brain was turning down a plus a plus a plus all the time.
But Steve found a business angel named Mike Markkula. You know a lot of names in this world, like Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, and Larry Page; you know many of these famous names in Technology, but Mike Markkula wasn't that well-known. Yet he was the adult in the room. Steve Jobs and I were in our young 20's with no business experience. No money in the bank, zero bank accounts, zero money.
We came from nothing, and Mike Markkula is really the one who taught us how you set up a company, who you hire, what the responsibilities are; and he funded enough money for a thousand computers, and he really was for quite a while, the one that made Apple in that sense.
Do companies like Apple come from engineering, or do they come from marketing, understanding business and vision?
No, we came from one computer only, the Apple II, totally designed from an engineering point of view, and that was the only thing that made money for Apple in the first 10 years of the company. We came from a big, huge, wealthy company on the Fortune 100, the Fortune 50, a huge company with a ton of money based on one product, the Apple II computer.
Everything else, our business side, Steve Jobs would be rounding the business, and we gotta have new computers and other ideas. Still, he didn't understand computer hardware or software, so everything we made failed, except for that one Apple II computer for the first 10 years.
That's what made Apple and created the money to be able to advance into other technologies like we have today.
Did we foresee something like that happening? Well, when we started Apple, the amount of memory that would hold one song, just a song, one song, that's all cost close to a million dollars.
Did we foresee the day you'd have a thousand songs in your hand? No, you must keep taking the steps you know are moving forward and see where it takes you.
Linda Nyberg:
How do you look upon the development in technology now? Is it too much? Is it too fast? We have discussions at The Tech Arena about the pros and cons of AI. What is your view? I mean, you started it literally. So, if you look back now as God looks back on Earth, do you regret something?
Steve Wozniak:
You should never look back. When I was 18 years old, I came up with a formula for life that was not based on accomplishments. It's based on happiness.
To me, happiness was a real feeling in life. Smiles minus frowns. Happiness is smiles minus frowns. What makes you smile?
Maybe go to a concert, be with other people, be on stage like this. Whatever makes you smile. How do you avoid frowns? I had a lot of techniques. Don't argue with anyone ever. Just don't argue. They have a good way of thinking in their mind. They have a consciousness. You have a consciousness. You come to different conclusions. But there's nothing bad. There are just two different people. So ignore that.
That formula for happiness guided me for life. I didn't need anything like Apple to have a perfectly happy life. But you don't want to look back back and say:
"What if I'd done something different or better?"
No, you don't want to do that. That's just a reason to give you a frown. I know that my head was confident then and coming up with all the right solutions engineering-wise for 10 years of magic.
Linda Nyberg:
You're telling us parts of the story now, but how would you like to be remembered? What is your legacy to pass on to your children?
Steve Wozniak:
What do engineers do? My father was an engineer.
We build things for the world, like a washing machine, so we no longer have to do the scrubbing they used to do in a river in the old days.
So, I thought back then, “Well, I want to make the appliances for the average home and the average Joe.”
Back then, my most important gadget was a six-transistor radio, a little handheld radio, and I could sleep next to it and hear music all night, which I loved. My dad took me to a show when I was eight or nine.
It was in San Francisco at an electronics show, where all these companies had different parts. There was no digital back then.
One guy held up a picture of many buildings connected by roads. It looked like he said this was going to be a chip, a chip of silicon with six transistors on one chip.
I thought, “Whoa,” and I asked my dad:
“We’re gonna have better transistor radios, right?”
He said: “Well, not really! The new technology is only affordable by the government and the military for the space race against Russia. They aren’t gonna be affordable by normal people.”
I thought: “Darn it. I didn't tell my dad, but in the back of my head, I always wanted to build appliances for the standard guy in the standard home.”
Linda Nyberg:
Would you say the vision for Apple was to make technology available in everybody's home?
Steve Wozniak:
Other club members talked about how we will have better communication than ever. I never raised my hand to speak. I was too shy. I worked independently, but after I showed off my computers, people would ask questions - and then I could socialize and talk.
These Stanford professors discussed “ how we would communicate better” in Education situations. The computer could tell you right or wrong if you typed in your homework.
That's the immediacy of reward punishment and operant conditioning. It's part of psychology. You don't slap a dog on the head. If it poops on your floor, you don't slap it on the head an hour later, 12 hours later. No, it must be punished immediately to get a message and not go neurotic.
So, the computers were going to help the kids, you know, use a hundred percent of their neurons instead of 10 %. I remember sitting in my chair thinking, “Oh my God, I will be out in just a few years. My intelligence is going to be worthless compared to all these kids.
Linda Nyberg:
The Apple logo came from that vision, right?
Steve Wozniak:
No, not exactly.
We had the name “Apple” because I picked up Steve Jobs at the airport once, and I was driving him home, and he said, "I got a great name for our company”. And I said, “What?” And he said: "What about “Apple Records”?, you know the Beatles record company. He said, “They’re music. We're computers.”
I said, “That’s all it takes?
He said, “Yeah”, so we agreed.
I did find out later, though, on the very last night of the American show “Dancing with the Stars” that I was on, I sat down next to a doctor who had treated a severe hamstring wound of mine, and he said his brother lived on that farm up in Oregon with Steve Jobs. His brother's the one that went up to Steve and said, I got a great name for your company. So, Steve would often say things, and you would assume it came out of his own mind, but usually, it was inspired by someone.
There are a lot of other cases like that, but it is a great name; why the name Apple? This was a fun thing; it was an industry that did not exist. Personal computers did not exist. And we weren't being paid attention to, we weren't being competed against by big computer companies. They were saying it's gonna go away, it's not gonna be worth any money.
So we just did fanciful things. One company called itself Kentucky Fried Computers. Apple Computer is just a fanciful, great name.
When we got funded by Mike Markala, he got us into Regis McKenna’s Ad Agency, which would do a lot of advertising and brochures, and our company image would be directed by them. They said, oh, the name Apple does not go with computing. Finally, Mike Markala didn't think that we should be called Apple. Then he said, yeah, but “Apple Computers” are like two very different things.
We have a phrase in America: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. We have an apple for the teacher. We have a lot of good feelings about an apple being a fruit. So, finally, the adage, they let us use the name Apple, and they came up with some logo ideas, and we liked them.
Six colors was a risky logo. You're a startup company.
Every time you print that logo anywhere, they have to do at least six prints of different colors just for the logo to come out. So it was sort of an expensive bullet to buy, but we did it, and our product was so far ahead of the others.
Mike Markala expressed that there's a principle that you have to charge a lot more. Steve Wozniak wants to give things away for free. No, we have to have a really good profit margin so we don't have to keep borrowing money and giving our company away. I just trusted him.
He'd been successful in business. He had the money to invest in us, everything he said. We can't be engineering-driven; we have to be marketing-driven. He was a marketeer, and you have to think of what products are worth what, what features are worth what, what’s a good decision, what’s a bad decision for making a product, and that has to drive engineering.
All we did for the next 10 years was make marketing mistakes.
Linda Nyberg:
I think many people with tech and startups in the room can learn from your different qualities and characteristics, Steve, Mark, and you. What is your advice to a startup today?
Steve Wozniak:
Oh my gosh, you need three things! You need business thinking. A business that makes money. Secondly, you need marketing. Knowing what’s good and bad. Thirdly, great engineering.
Steve Jobs had a business desire. I had the engineering desire. And Mark Markkula had the marketing talent. That really helped Apple.
Mike Markkula always used to say:
“You hire competent people, professionals! You don't hire kids!”
Steve Jobs and I were kids at the time, but we learned to wear suits and actually hire people that really knew their business and had success in their fields, be it accounting or or operations building things and all that.
Linda Nyberg:
Where is your interest in tech today? And where do you see the most exciting areas?
Steve Wozniak:
Young builders are what excite me. They take me back to my own start. Look at all the high-end stuff you read about all the time in every article going on. The young people building things and on their way to a startup, I'll tell you, it can be the hardest time of your life, putting 24 hours a day into your thinking even while you're sleeping.
But it can also be the most fun. For computing, you know, what's going on in technology? I've been on this track for about 20 or 30 years. That is just so different from what everybody else thinks. I'm waiting for an optical chip, optical computing. That doesn't mean a light comes in, and you turn it into electricity.
Light signals pass all the way through a chip, and there are no electrons at all. No electron movement. Electrons do not go at the speed of light. Photons do, and you would need a way to amplify a beam. You need a way to invert it, like red comes in and blue comes in. Blue goes, and red comes out. You need an inverter.
You need a logic gate. Two things happen simultaneously: two red signals come in, and you get a red out. It depends on your modulation scheme, and I'd love to see that happen because it could make some chips.
Unfortunately, our chips have gotten so tiny in dimensions that it's greater than the wavelength of most, you know, visible light. Light that you could use, and that's a problem. We can't make the chips as complicated as today, maybe for these photonic computers that are getting closer. But you don't have to because it uses so little power.
Why do we need faster processors than today? Does anybody have an idea?
“Playing games” (someone shoutes in the audience).
Well, playing games, somebody said, not quite, but playing VR games, AR, you got Apple Vision Pro, you've got metaverse. Think of a good-quality camera that makes you feel like you're in a place like this. Like your eye. It’s a good-quality camera with 4k resolution on a narrow beam. Then you have another one here and there, 10 times around your head and then 10 times around horizontally. That's 100 times the resolution that can pass a high-quality video signal. We are not there yet.
We still need to improve the bandwidth of the internet and the processing ability to handle those kinds of worlds that are coming. So, I'm still into faster processors. That was kind of like a lot of the keys my whole life. I was a hardware guy.
Linda Nyberg:
What are some of the most interesting cool things in tech?
Steve Wozniak:
Technology always goes up to a new stage, which becomes an effective standard. Everyone has to move up to that stage just out of the nature of competitiveness. You know, so you can have an advantage over others and do better. Then new technology comes, and you move up a stage. We had a lot of technological revolutions on the way.
I'd probably break it into a hundred important ones getting to where we are today from when I started. You know, we didn't, you know, who was expecting the internet or the broadband would come or social web and web works and the gig economies, all these different things.
I mean, I'm not always right in seeing upcoming technology. I didn’t think Uber would make it because the alternatives were so clear.
Linda Nyberg:
What can we do about the young generations' addiction to computers and tech? Do we have a certain responsibility - or what do you think?
Steve Wozniak:
There are many things in education and the history of the world that are interesting to people. Technology is one of them, i.e., STEM classes, where you learn about science, electronics, and engineering. How to build things on your own.
I’ve done small Raspberry Pi projects that I’ve enjoyed at home. But growing up technical, you have to solve problems, work on problems, try to figure out what's causing it, fix it, and you get the incredible joy inside if you're Steve Wozniak.
100 % of the people in primary school are taught that computer science is unnecessary. That's the thing. I grew up when you couldn't have a chance to figure out how to make a computer, and I taught myself by stumbling into little accidental things, seeing a manual in a company, and asking for it.
I created Apple and the early personal computers from that knowledge I'd gotten by accident. When I put my computer out, I wanted every design and software printed in the manual. So other people could see it and say: “This is how it's done. This is my passion for life”.
Just like I had said when I found a journal in the hall closet when I was 10 years old discussing ones and zeros. Oh my gosh. So, I want other people to have an opportunity to discover that this is my thing in life.
Now, I'm also very much into my entire life, which has been based around the most important thing of goodness. You can do a lot of good things. Helping people, making society better, and cleaning the air. Do a lot of good things, but the apex of it is truth.
You always tell the truth that you can see, and you never try to shape things and convince people to go some way just because, I don't know, you'll get more respect or something.
No, always be truthful. Can you count on all the AI stuff all the time? I want things to work. And so much in this digital world, tapping buttons on a car and so many things that seem logical don't always work. Where did they move that one to? I know it's in here somewhere, and that frustrates me.
So I think we need more truth. AI is full of cases we read about where there's a lot of misinformation. It gives us great, great, great reports, but they're not like the way a human would make them. They don't have any emotional content.
They don't say: "Oh, this would be great; they don't read a story about an animal being saved and go to tears." AI doesn’t know how humans will feel, but it can relate to many things other humans have expressed. My feeling is that why do we get such? We don't quite understand what AI will result in the generative AI.
We don't understand it. We have to program it against those biases. Well, wait a minute; biases are cultures. You might have a different culture here in Sweden than we have in the United States.
Cultures do matter, depending on where you are. You can't have one AI that is attendant to all the cultures. But secondly, who needs a ton of information? That's like the greatest reporter. If you want to solve a problem for work, how do you try to figure out how to do it?
You go to search engines. I don't use the G word here. But you go to your search engine, and you get back a bunch of results, and you piece them together and figure out how to write a piece of Linux code, whatever.
And now you're just going to go to AI, which comes back with more spelled-out results and strategies for something you want to do with your work, country, or company. It just makes so much sense. It sounds like this is coming from the brain and is so smart.
The trouble is, it's boring often. It's just too much to read. There is a professor in Nashville that students hand in AI reports right from AI.
Never has he given more than a C plus for one because they're not worth it. They aren't the good ones. A human needs to be the editor. You have a lot of reporters out there. The AI is like a ton of reporters bringing the information in. But you need a human to condense it to put it into what matters the most and express it to somebody else in a sellable way.
Even in your company, it's not so much content as people have to have an emotional reason to decide. I learned that in eight years of teaching 10 to 13-year-old kids.
I did that secretly because I wanted to be a teacher my whole life.
Linda Nyberg:
We think we are good at tech in Scandinavia. We are very easy adopters. We love tech. Do you think Scandinavia is as good in tech as we think?
Steve Wozniak:
The value of education is better here than in the US. The question is: Do people in Silicon Valley think differently there?
No, it turns out that everything we have in our digital life today is based on the transistor. A couple of people found out in the 1950s how to make this device called a transistor, like an electronic neuron. It could make little decisions.
Now, you buy an iPhone, you have a chip in there with 60 billion transistors. It is the heart of all of our computer technology, everything digital.
Today, that technology hasn't changed based on the transistor. The inventor of the transistor moved to Silicon Valley and tried to start a company making transistors.
We had our first start in the whole world. It was the first start of this technology that would grow and become so huge. So, we were in first place. After a while, venture capitalists were there, and they hated investing in a company across the country where they'd have to fly to a board meeting four times a year.
So they said, we'll invest in your company, your startup, but it has to be in Silicon Valley close to us. So, artificially, Silicon Valley took this big role, but now, everywhere in the country and the world, there are spots of technology blossoming.
I mean, you've had great companies here. Ericsson.
Linda Nyberg:
Al Gore mentioned that tech could drive climate change. I think tech can create peace. What do you think?
Steve Wozniak:
The impetus of every startup company, tech or not, is to do something good for the world. You envision that our tech is gonna take us to a better place.
The climate bothers me because I was a long-time donor to forests and rivers in California. I just believed in nature, being important to people, and trying to preserve it because every generation gets less of it. So, at first, I was very much into this whole idea of man creating global warming, but I'm not hearing one solution. One scientist says, if you guys give up trillions of dollars of your existence and go back to the way you lived even before fossil fuels, maybe 20 years of that, you’ll lower the temperature.
Hopefully, technology can help us solve climate change, especially by getting more work done with less money. Remember that you all have AI in you. Actual Intelligence.
Most proud of doing good and not selling out.
Linda Nyberg:
What are some of the most common questions that you get? Is that how Steve Jobs was to work with?
Steve Wozniak:
I get, oh, so many questions. People often want to know what my childhood was like - and how I became so technically talented, but we don’t have time to get into that now.
But basically, there were an awful lot of steps and scientific projects. By 8th grade, I won the best electronics award in the San Francisco Bay Area at the science fair. I was competing against 12th graders.
Linda Nyberg:
Steve Wozniak, everyone. Thank you so much!